Bruce & Verna
LEADERSHIP: Different and Servant-like
"a shaft of light on a way of being and doing in the real-world leadership. . ." Dr. Terry C. Young.
". . . great discernment about what separates servant-leaders from others." Dr. Kevin Schular
"Perceptive insight into why there is disillusionment with much of present day leadership. But beyond just exposing the roots of the misuse of power, this book offers the reader hope. . . refreshingly clear." Mrs. Barb Hauser.
"the "different" they identify is not just optics or word-smithing. . ." Dr. Ed Kroeger
". . .a very practical approach to helping us with the difficult task of executing a leadership model that challenges our traditional paradigms of what works best." Nick DiRenzo. FCPA.

Servant Leadership. . .
You’ve no doubt heard “servant-leadership” presented as today’s model of choice! You may be unaware, that leading experts contend that the term “servant-leadership” remains either undefined or at best, underdefined. By virtue of the name, you’d expect it would be different in a good way – undeniably better! But is it?
Other observers say that today’s servant-leadership modelling is deeply flawed, rarely practiced, misunderstood, and potentially harmful. Mostly, it exists as a concept that each leader defines for themselves and then self-validates.
Though trying to function as a servant-leader, isn’t it true that a leader must act “master-like” to perform? How can one be both a master and a servant – and lead? Might role confusion be a root-cause of the common sense of disillusionment and distrust toward present-day leaders? What is the source and functional effect of these seeming contradictions?
With over six decades of combined experience at the highest levels of leadership, the authors unpack a research project that starts at the beginning. About 2,000 years ago Jesus Christ made this statement: “with you it (leadership) will be different (and servant-like).”
So, is it? Is your leadership measurably “different”? Different the right ways? Is it really “servant-like” as intended by the first person to speak of the idea? On what basis do you assess this and know for sure? Do you have the self-awareness to recognize when your leadership methods are reflecting the “master” within (ego, self) and at odds with “different and servant-like” leadership?
The research compiled in this book uniquely links Biblical and contemporary sources, to provide relevant and practical answers to these vital questions and more.
By reading this book, you will discover:
Why there is an inherent problem with modern-day theories of Servant-leadership.
The paradigm influence of the behind-the-scenes “master” when leading.
The specific “differences” that distinguish Servant-leaders from those who are not.
How to personally align the “master” and “servant” roles in your leadership.
A refreshing self-awareness of the internal tensions you face when trying to live the servant-leadership model.
An enjoyable walk-through of lessons and uncommon stories in the Bible that offer specific and powerful insight into issues of real-world leadership.
Practical to the core and refreshingly clear, this book provides a step-by-step construct of thought. You find new empowerment, awareness, leadership grounding clarity, and a fresh orientation to lead with authenticity.
Our world is both enamoured and puzzled by the topic of leadership. Enamoured because of its appeal and popularity but puzzled by the seeming absence of what we would call wise and authentic leadership. This book is a shaft of light on a way of being and doing in the real-world leadership.
Dr. Terry C. Young, PhD. Associate Professor and Chair of Master of Arts in Leadership, Ambrose University, Calgary, Alberta.
If you want to read and study a motivational and encouraging leadership book with well diagramed clarity, this is a book to include in your library. . .
Dr. Henry Schorr PhD.
Sr. Pastor, Centre Street Church. Calgary, Alberta.
I absolutely loved this book. It resonated with me in so many ways. It truly spoke to my heart.
Ginger R. Calgary, AB.
Business Leader, Consultant
The world today has a plethora of very talented and well-educated individuals who exemplify poor—at best—and destructive—at worst—leadership. Bruce and Verna have written on leadership from a “practitioner” basis. Their call for genuine Servant-leadership is the antidote for what is often delaying or destroying the mission. . .
Dr. Jeff Anderson, DMIN.
Former President Evangelical Covenant Church of Canada.
It was an absolute pleasure reading this book. It is so applicable to everyone - myself included! Thank you for this real, relevant, practical approach to leadership. . .
Kyla S. Edmonton, AB.
Marketing Specialist, Business Leader, Consultant
I am thankful for this book and recommend it to you highly. . .
Dr. Kevin Schular PhD.
Executive Director, Baptist General Conference of Canada. President, Canadian Baptist Seminary.
The authors bring a lifetime of high-level education and experience in the corporate (C-suite), entrepreneurial initiative and, Christian leadership worlds to this much-needed subject. The “different” they identify is not just optics or wordsmithing. . . The effect is radical – 180 degrees out of phase with assumptions of power and authority in the real world.
Dr. Ed Kroeger, PhD.
Chair, CHSRF. University of Manitoba
In my experience of reading and studying about Servant-leadership, I am not sure that I have ever seen this treated and developed so clearly. . .
Dr. Gerald Fischer. PhD.
Former seminary professor.
. . . I could not put it down. I very much enjoyed it. It was food for my soul. This makes so much sense and I'm excited to put these concepts more fully into my leadership practices. . .
Alex Lerch.
Business Executive, Owner
Coffee With Kairos
The Story of the Book
We didn't set out to write a book. But through a set of circumstances as explained in the pdf link below, we found ourselves compelled to take on the project. Please give the story of our book a quick read, we think you'll enjoy it.