Bruce & Verna

Management Consulting

A Few of Our Projects & Ongoing Engagements
Charitable Non-profit Organizations. We oversee and/or manage the investment portfolio of a number of charitable non-profit organizations. This frees their Board to fulfill their fiduciary responsibilities while keeping their focus on what they're good at - focusing on their mission.
CEO support. Having been CEO for three organization and also having assisted various leaders in strategic projects, our understanding of the perspectives and needs of the leader help advance the strategic agenda.
Strategic projects. Sometimes it just helps to have another on the team who can increase the capacity and accountability of the project. We help the team get it done.
Organizational (strategic) Planning. Using various organizational planning tools, we can help develop focus and execution models that keep your priorities right.
Team development. Exercises in discovering, training, and aligning the team around their individual and collective personal strengths increases productivity by focusing and enhancing the inherent strengths of the individual.
Mission, Vision, Values. Sometimes the by-stander perspective adds insight to the process of clarifying your mission, vision, or values. If you're not satisfied with the precise way your organization has identified these, we may be able to help. Clarity is essential to focus.
Policy & Governance Framework. Utilizing our background in church, non-profit, and corporate leadership, we can assist in building structures for good governance and organizational practices.

About Our Coaching Roles
Executive Coach. Having much experience at the highest levels of leadership (CEO, Board, Founder, etc) we may be able to support your growth as a leader. With a lifetime of insight to draw on, we tailor a coaching agenda with you - to maximize the return and help you achieve your most valued objectives.
Personal Coach. Life can be complicated to put it mildly. Achievement is often dependent on us getting outside our comfort zones and stepping into the new. With an encouraging hand, we walk with our clients as a resource for self-awareness, focus, and priority effort on what's most important. We love seeing you grow and achieve.